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A Hug in the Right Direction

April 13, 2015
It was a beautiful day to meet Amma.

It was a beautiful day to meet Amma.

If someone offers you the chance to hug a Saint, you take it. That’s my advice anyway. Thus, we arrived at the Malaysia International Exhibition & Convention Centre at 4:00 pm hoping to receive a token for a hug from Mata Amritanandamayi, better known as Amma, the hugging Saint.

Magazine from the free event.

Magazine from the free event.

We were in a line thousands of people long. But, we were told once you received a token you had secured your place to receive an embrace from the revered guru. Amma’s stamina is remarkable. She has been known to embrace devotees for up to 22 hours without taking a break or rest of any kind. It’s easy to see why her hugs are so desirable as according to, “When Amma holds someone it can help to awaken the dormant spiritual energy within them, which will eventually take them to the ultimate goal of Self-realization.”

The first of two tokens received that night.

The first of two tokens received that night.

When it comes to spiritual practice, I don’t pretend to know much. I try to proceed with an open mind and heart and leave the skepticism to others. Would her hug change my life? Certainly there is always room for improvement!

The line to enter the Convention Centre was long, but calm.

The line to enter the Convention Centre was long, but calm.

At 4:00 am it was my turn to approach the Guru. Shoes off, I nervously stepped up to her. Her volunteers pushed me forward and placed my arms around her. The process has been filed down to an exact science, which was a relief as my nerves were beginning to get the best of me. In an instant I was in her arms. She lovingly held me and whispered something in my left ear. I couldn’t understand what exactly she said, but then she turned and whispered something in English in my other ear. I looked up and met her eyes. She looked incredibly kind. I would have loved to have said something profound or meaningful to her but all I managed to say was, “Thank you” before stepping down the ramp.

Meeting Amma

The scene inside the Convention Centre

The scene inside the Convention Centre

Her words touched me. And I will carry them in my heart forever. Am I a changed person? I think so. Sometimes when we think we need a push to move us forward, a hug will do the trick.

These two little packets (containing a candy and vermilion powder) were pressed into my palm as I left Amma's embrace.

These two little packets (containing a candy and vermilion powder) were pressed into my palm as I left Amma’s embrace.

☞ For more information on Amma and her charitable works please visit:

4 Comments leave one →
  1. Lucy Bowen permalink
    April 13, 2015 11:35 am

    Awesome! What a great experience. The suspense is killing me!

  2. Pamela Stacy permalink
    April 13, 2015 1:25 pm

    What a different world it would be if more people chose to promote love and kindness! What an inspiration!

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